📌 Pinned Post ::: Welcome Aboard! 🚀

Welcome Aboard! 🚀
Vhaos.dev - the personal coding blog of Kareem Daggash - has launched! 🎉. This site lives to showcase the various tips, tricks, and concepts I’ve discovered over the years as well as document interesting software side projects I undertake. Feel free to take a look around! 🔎
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📣 Update - New LeetCode Solutions Site

Introducing Vhaos’s LeetCode Solutions 🚀! A ‘sister site’ to VHAOS.DEV. I’ve created it to serve as a more visual archive of my solutions to various LeetCode coding problems. It also doubles as a nifty way of keeping track of the problems I’ve solved thus far.
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Binding Specific Arguments to a Function in Javascript

Binding Specific Arguments to a Function in Javascript
The Function.prototype.bind() method not only allows us to override the this context of functions and objects, but also pass in a given sequence of arguments to a function as well! What happens however when we wish to bind specific arguments rather than have them passed in sequentially? 🤔
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Vue Navigation Guards

Vue Navigation Guards
Navigation guards (via vue-router) provide a way to control navigation through our routes either by redirecting it or canceling it. This has a number of practical applications. This short post looks into the different ways we can hook into route navigation, as well as some of each method’s possible drawbacks
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📣 Update - RSS and JSON feeds

Another new site update 🎉 (albeit a small one). In this update I’ve added support for both RSS and JSON Feeds. Now anyone can subscribe to get the latest updates using their feed reader of choice 📲.
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