Handy Bash/ZSH Aliases & Functions

Handy Bash/ZSH Aliases & Functions
The more you work in the terminal, the faster you start to build a repetitive workflow. While basic tasks and actions are fairly simple and take no time at all, others might require multiple steps; this does tend to rather monotonous after a while. Alteratively you might want to string together of list of trivial commands into one giant timesaver! I’ve slowly compiled a little handy list of aliases and functions to help in reduce some of that monotony! 🔨
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📣 Update - Tags

A TAGS section has been added to the site. It lists all the topics that have been discussed in tutorials and articles, all grouped together by hashtags. My aim is to provide an easy way for visitors to find posts on the themes they care about (at least until some search functionality is implemented).

Stay tuned for more features in the coming weeks. 🦥
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